Mario Tama/Getty Vermont Republicans will be taking the “Let’s Go, Brandon” chant to a literal level by hosting a rally in the city of Brandon, Vermont. Brandon, Vermont is the hometown of the state’s recently elected GOP Chair Paul Dame; the rally...
The polls, which I trust as far as I can throw Michael Moore, are showing something interesting beyond the fact that crusty President Badfinger has fallen and can’t get up. According to Rasmussen, in a head-to-empty-head contest between President...
MSNBC political commentator and author George Will said Wednesday on “The Beat” that the Republican base needed to be quarantined because they were “addicted to furiousness.”
Melber said, “What has happened to this moderate Republican Party?”
Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley single-handedly took top-secret action to preempt then-President Donald Trump from ordering a military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to a new book.
Charlie Spiering, Breitbart.Com. Former President Donald Trump released a video commemorating the 20th anniversary of 9/11, ahead of any other former president’s tribute to the fallen. The video features highlights from his four live presidential...
The FBI has found “scant” evidence that the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was part of a plot to mount an insurrection against the U.S. government, or instigated by then-President Donald Trump, according to sources in a Reuters report.
In this segment from Thursday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker shows a video of who he calls the “worst teacher in America. He then brings on fellow Fox News host, Jesse Watters to discuss.
Mark Levin: "Trump is not an ideologue," Biden blaming former president is a ‘disgusting’ effort to deflect blame. The ‘Life, Liberty and Levin’ host rips into President Biden for his handling of the situation in Afghanistan.