
The Joker As President

When the Democrats came back into the White House they brought with them more than the usual pandering, tax hikes, and promises of paradise. They also delivered chaos, crime, corruption, and control in abundance. The Democrat Party is more like a...

“Presidential” Versus Ice Cream Cone

I prefer a PRESIDENT to a RESIDENT.— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) July 30, 2021

AP Photo/Brennan Linsley

Biden Looking “Pesidential” as usual:

Read the article at

The Totalitarianism of Mandatory Medicine

So the Biden Administration is about to decree a mask mandate again, even for people who have been vaccinated. Why do you think they are doing this? Watch Tucker lay it out in this excerpt from last night’s Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News.

White Privileged America

On Monday, Mark Steyn guest hosted Tucker Carlson Tonight and he began with an explanation of the latest social justice ploy of trying to put guilt on White Privileged America. Watch: China is the number one global power. How'd that happen to...