Why People Run for Public Office and How They Quickly Become Compromised

Why People Run for Public Office and How They Quickly Become Compromised

When they first assume office, politicians even with the best of intentions can run afoul in many ways.

by Jeff Davidson

In today’s highly toxic political environment, why would anyone choose to serve in government? Most people, presumably, run for office to achieve one or more goals. These goals might include serving the public good, achieving fame and positive notoriety, and obtaining more personal power.

At the county and local level, some individuals run for elected office with a primary goal of becoming more widely known, as opposed to merely getting elected. Attorneys, accountants, bankers, entrepreneurs, and service providers who’ve run for office have long since discovered that campaigning, in and of itself, is an effective form of public relations and promotion.

Seeking the Pot of Gold

Some people run for U.S. Congress with a specific cause in mind. Even in those cases, progress towards other goals is still a factor. It’s certainly acceptable both to serve a constituency and to gain some recognition — two goals that contemporary professionals often pursue.

Politicians with even the best of intentions when they first assume office, alas, can run afoul in many ways. Three traps, among many others, that are most insidious include cronyism, profiting from insider knowledge, and capitulating to the mainstream press. Let’s look at each of these three traps. Resd the rest at politicrossing.com.

1 comment
  • Gutless political worms get BICed (Bought off, Intimidated and/or Compromised). We have very few honorable people at all levels of American politics.