Nevada School Board Cuts Off Mother Exposing Graphic Book

Nevada School Board Cuts Off Mother Exposing Graphic Book

by Chrissy Clark –

A Nevada school board temporarily cut off a mother from speaking as she read an assignment reportedly given to her 15-year-old daughter, according to video footage of a school board meeting.

One mother alleged that a teacher at Clark County School District — the nation’s fifth-largest public school district — forced her 15-year-old daughter to memorize and recite “pornographic material.” When the mother began reading the alleged assignment, the school board temporarily cut the mother’s microphone over obscene language.

“This will be horrifying for me to read to you, but that will give you perspective on how she must have felt when her teacher required her to memorize this and to act it out in front of her entire class,” the mother said. Read the rest at

  • Those phony sacks of s**t schoolboard members are “offended” by the same material that they want 15-year-old girls to read. Those worthless scumbags need to be fired immediately.

  • My wife kept a vigilant eye on our kid’s schoolwork. We’ve told more than one teacher an assignment will not be completed. Teachers then proceeded to use their position to bully our children. Our school system is a joke of indoctrination and brainwashing. Curriculum needed for life and career skills is no longer being taught.