Meet Election Denier Hakeem Jeffries, Front-Runner for House Democrat Leader

Meet Election Denier Hakeem Jeffries, Front-Runner for House Democrat Leader

by Wendell Huesbro:

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) appears to be the front-runner to replace Rep. Nancy Pelosi (R-CA) as House Democrat leader, even though he is an election denier.

As a lawyer from central Brooklyn, Jeffries is a self-described far-left Democrat who appears to be angling behind the scenes to win the Democrat House leadership position. He first assumed office in 2013 and has served as the chair of the House Democrat Caucus since 2019.

Jeffries’ presumable succession is notable because Democrats and the establishment have continually labeled some Republican politicians as election deniers. The same standard does not appear to be applied to Jeffries.

Jeffries has denied the outcomes of the 2016 election. In 2020, Jeffries tweeted that former President Donald Trump “will never” be accepted “as a legitimate President.”

“Keep pouting. History will never accept you as a legitimate President,” he tweeted at Trump. Read the rest at

1 comment
  • Another DemocRAT-Communist first-class a**hole to be sure. The lefties keep giving us pathetic scum to slaughter and the three RINO Mcs (McConnell, McCarthy and McDaniel) keep turning that scum into lefty stars. Pathetic. The RINO Mc Three Stooges gotta go.