Levin: You Have to Go Out and GET the Landslide

Levin: You Have to Go Out and GET the Landslide

It ain’t over ’til it’s over!

In his brief but very profound closing monologue on Sunday’s edition of his Fox News program, Life, Liberty & Levin, Mark discussed the upcoming midterm elections and strongly warned Republicans against complacency. Watch:

Transcript: Welcome back America. I’m concerned. I keep hearing about this landslide for Republicans as if it’s already occurred. You have to go out and get the landslide.

We need to comprehend once and for all that the Democrats don’t play fair. We need to comprehend once and for all that the media hate us. We need to comprehend once and for all that there’s all kinds of dark money being spent by billionaires, who like what’s going on in this country.

We the people, to quote a not-so-great president: ‘From the bottom up and the middle out.’ That is the grassroots as in Virginia and other parts of the country in the past year. We need to rise up and take our country back, or we’re going to lose it because we’re already losing it.

It’s up to us and the question is whether there’s enough of us left and whether there’s enough of us are going to vote and enough of us are going to be activists. I’m counting on you Levinites out there. See you next time on Life, Liberty, and Levin.

1 comment
  • Mark, it’s about eliminating voter fraud. Trump easily won the 2020 election. However, due to massive voter fraud, which I mentioned repeatedly in the spring of 2020 was the only way Trump could “lose” the election, Potato Head is sitting in the White House. The DemocRAT-Communist Party, the Communist World Order, the Deep State, the lefty media and the worthless RINOs must be destroyed for this country to survive.