Florida Summit on Covid II: The Future of Medicine in Post-COVID America

Florida Summit on Covid II: The Future of Medicine in Post-COVID America

by Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit

On Saturday, October 22, 2022, numerous experts from the fields of Medicine and Law will travel to The Villages to answer questions and cover topics including: Covid19: Virology, Vaccines and Emerging Threats, Victims of Covid19: Legal and Legislative Remedies, Restoring Trust in America’s Physicians Amidst Vaccine Injury, Mandates and Skepticism, Vaccine Mandates in the Military and Preventing and treating Covid19-Related Illness, Vaccine Injuries and Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Other Options. Read the rest at thegatewaypundit.com.

Note: We sincerely regret that we were unable to post this sooner.
1 comment
  • Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are cheap and work, so naturally, Big Pharma, the DemocRAT-Communist Party and the lefty media told thousands of lies about the effectiveness of Hydroxy and Ivermectin so they could sell outrageously expensive Big Pharma jabs that WILL KILL YOU. Ahh, Amerika.