Fairfax County Teacher Tells Parents and Students to Stand Up to Critical Race Theory

Fairfax County Teacher Tells Parents and Students to Stand Up to Critical Race Theory

“Teachers, it may seem that our careers have come to a dead end, but I’m here to remind you that we don’t work for the school board, we work to mold the next generation of well rounded American Patriots.”

  • I noticed that they cut her mic when she started attacking the school board’s policies. This is the way of liberalism – when you can’t win the argument with facts or logic, you censor, or name-call and character-assassinate. It’s becoming all so tiresome.

  • Wow, a teacher with a brain and a spine. Now, if we can find thousands more like her, we will be headed in the RIGHT direction. Excuse the pun. The only former school teachers I know (Ohio) are gutless worms who only care about their outrageous retirement checks and benefits. They don’t care one hoot about the kids or the future of this country. Eliminate teacher certificates. That way, competent people could teach school, not morons who have been indoctrinated to believe that socialism and communism are great and that America is racist and evil.