Disney: From Woke to Broke?

Disney: From Woke to Broke?

On Friday’s edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker and his guest, Florida Governor Rob DeSantis discuss the New law that eliminates the special tax and regulatory privileges that have been granted to Disney over fifty years ago:

“We told you earlier in the week about how the left is very mad, in fact trying to shut down a site called Libs of TikTok. Why they’re so mad at Libs of TikTok?

“Well here’s one of the reasons. Over the past half year or so, video after video has appeared on social media showing school teachers bragging enthusiastically about how they push their personal sexual politics, often weird and gruesome sexual politics, on the small children they’re supposed to be teaching, Now the students in question are not teenagers, they’re kindergartners first graders, kids who have no perspective on life and no power to fight back. So many parents saw these videos in some cases on Libs of TikTok and they were shocked.

“They had no idea that anything like this was happening in the classroom. Having some purple haired loser in a nose ring convinced your six year old to get a sex change is not why most people send their

children to school. So they complained, the parents did and across the country Republican office holders responded by promising to do something about this. They made outrage noises, but then in very short order they moved on to talking about Ukraine which is what they really care about, not you. In the end, only one state really did anything about this; that would be the State of Florida under Ron DeSantis…”

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