Dictator Biden Declares ‘Climate Emergency’ to Seize Power from Congress and ‘We the People’

Dictator Biden Declares ‘Climate Emergency’ to Seize Power from Congress and ‘We the People’

From Tucker Carlson Tonoght:

No matter what is wrong with Joe Biden, something clearly is, it has not prevented him from working to amass more power than any American president has ever had. Joe Biden approaches power the way J.B, Pritzker approaches the waffle station at a Shoney’s breakfast bar. With maximum enthusiasm he snorts and slurps and splashes it on his shirt; he can’t get enough.

Joe Biden’s latest idea is that he personally is the only branch of government in the United States. No more separation of powers. Joe Biden has all the power if the Congress the Supreme Court does

something that Joe Biden doesn’t like, he gets to simply ignore it and then do what he wants to do. And he can do this because it’s an emergency. There’s no time for democracy, we’ve got an emergency on our hands and naturally only Joe Biden can solve it.

We don’t have enough abortions, it’s an emergency, you’re not wearing a mask alone in your

Car, it’s an emergency. Your kids aren’t trans yet, it’s an emergency. And of course the emergency to top all emergencies the climate crisis, which is a kind of ongoing thousand-year emergency and for that reason very much existential whatever that means, but trust us it is bad and the only solution to it is to hand Joe Biden more power.

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