Capitalism Creates and Socialism Takes

Capitalism Creates and Socialism Takes

Scott Heins/Getty Images

by Alfredo Ortiz:

Do any activists or progressives know how hard it is to actually start a small business? Do they appreciate the regulations, taxes, and hurdles involved, let alone the difficulty of providing a product or a service the market values?

No, they don’t. They have chosen to live off the production of small businesses rather than actually produce something the market values and the government allows.

No, they don’t. They have chosen to live off the production of small businesses rather than actually produce something the market values and the government allows.

In Ayn Rand’s 1957 book Atlas Shrugged, businessmen and women stop “the motor of the world” by going on strike. They show the world what life would be like without the businesses they expropriate and take for granted. And it isn’t pretty.

Today, we risk stopping the motor of the world by “laying off” entrepreneurs through big government actions that make it impossible for them to succeed. Minority entrepreneurs, who are always hit hardest by regulations, taxes, and inflation, would be the first to get pink slips. The potential consequences of following the big government agenda in terms of economic vitality, living standards, and racial economic inequality would be grave.

Progressives take it as a given that capitalism creates racial inequality. Capitalists and small business proponents must fight this message with everything they have. Minority entrepreneurship success—the fact that minority entrepreneurs outearn whites overall—demonstrates that capitalism overcomes racial economic inequality rather than spreading it. Read the rest at

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