One by-product of the hesitancy to reopen the schools was that parents not only got more engaged that they began to see what many of the schools were teaching their kids. Now Brian Echivaris is one of those parents and took the opportunity at...
By invoking the “Emergencies Act,’ Trudeau has declared martial law. Now he’s free to do whatever he likes to end the peaceful trucker protest. Trudeau does not need to follow the law because now he IS the law. The media machine that backs him with...
FDA Executive Officer Exposes Close Ties Between Agency and Pharmaceutical Companies: ‘Almost a Billion Dollars a Year Going into FDA’s Budget from the People we Regulate’ • FDA Executive Officer Chris Cole: “The drug companies, the food companies...
The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford has just blown up Justin Trudeau’s house of cards. In fact he’s just blown up the entire argument for mandates, vaccine passports and restrictions.
Dan Bongino/Rumble video
A Chinese-owned company that secured a nearly $2-billion contract with the U.S. government to supply COVID-19 self-test kits has sought to give its brand a further boost—by marketing at the Super Bowl.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time to squash the ongoing Freedom Convoy protests against Wuhan coronavirus restrictions, potentially giving the Canadian leader sweeping emergency powers.
On Sunday’s edition of Unfiltered with Dan Bongino, Dan uses the recent Joe Rogan controversy to illustrate the Left’s use of censorship to try to squelch dissent. Watch: “…So after the Joe Rogan controversy which, was all over the news obviously...