Woke corporations that wage war on families and target children should expect to be targeted in turn by GOP l
Soaring gas prices, historic inflation, supply chain bottlenecks, lifting crime rates, a porous southern border, and increasing U.S. absences on the global diplomatic stage. President Joe Biden will reportedly address these issues – amongst many...
Alright everyone, go home. Nothing to see here! The👏most👏secure👏election👏in👏history👏Here’s a woman dropping off stacks of mail-in ballots in a drop box in Detroit before she realizes they aren’t signed pic.twitter.com/wtBF7d6ocx— Liz Harrington...
If you could ask this Hobitt one question, what would it be? pic.twitter.com/aNCu8Am03H— The Next News Network (@NextNewsNetwork) April 22, 2022
The Washington Post‘s Taylor Lorenz doxed the person behind the Twitter account Libs of TikTok (LoTT) because she dared to re-post public videos that people on the left posted about themselves. The crime? Showing how radical the left truly has...
On April 19, 1764, the English Parliament banned the American colonists from printing paper money. They set even harsher restrictions over the next 11 years. The restrictions included the Stamp Act, Townshend Act, the Sugar Act, the Boston Massacre...
With the obvious goal of having her blacklisted, the far-left Washington Post wrote one of the most dishonest stories you’ll ever read about the woman behind the viral Libs of Tik Tok Twitter account.