Charlie Crist's Zoom press conference about Governor DeSantis sending illegal migrants to Martha's Vineyard did not exactly go the way he had hoped.
Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787, recognizing all who are born in the U.S. or by naturalization, have become citizens.
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“And then in a single blessed moment everything changed. Relief arrived from an unlikely source. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida decided to help other states desperately in need. So yesterday, he sent 50 illegal aliens, most of them from Venezuela...
BREAKINGPresident Biden to appoint Jussie Smollett as head of newly revamped U.S. Ministry or Truth— News That Matters (@ThatmattersNews) September 4, 2022
The world is grappling with the worst energy crisis in generations however the U.N. has warned Europe a return to fossil fuels in response to soaring prices and winter shortages must not be considered under any circumstances.
BREAKINGPresident Biden proposes massive new trans-Atlantic pipeline for pumping American dollars directly to Ukraine— News That Matters (@ThatmattersNews) September 3, 2022
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