Trust the Justice Department on the Hunter Biden Investigation? No Way

Trust the Justice Department on the Hunter Biden Investigation? No Way

Opinion by New York Post Editorial Board

As prosecutors weigh charges against Hunter Biden, don’t forget the many reasons to think the Joe Biden Justice Department shouldn’t be making these calls.  

The most recent evidence is the fact that sources close to the investigation felt the need to leak news that the feds have enough to bring tax- and gun-related charges. No way that happens unless people within Justice are seriously worried about even those puny charges getting squelched

They have reason to worry: Former Hunter associate Tony Bobulinski years ago corroborated to the FBI that indeed, the laptop emails said exactly what they seemed to. I.e. that millions of dollars flowed from Hunter’s corrupt foreign dealing not only to him but his wider family, including his uncle James. And that a 10% slice of those dollars was reserved for the “big guy”, plainly Hunter’s dad Joe. 

The result? Agent Tim Thibault seemingly kiboshed any real inquiry into the matter and then left the building for a free-and-easy-retirement. Read the rest at