“This election comes down to really two positions: Do you love America, or do you hate America. The Democrat party made it clear, Not being provocative, just listen. They hate America. Tell me how they support it."
As prosecutors weigh charges against Hunter Biden, don’t forget the many reasons to think the Joe Biden Justice Department shouldn’t be making these calls.
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Levin – I just want to read to you what Ronald Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for protected and handed for them to do...
Fantastic! ; Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) October 6, 2022
When did you first realize who the real racist is? pic.twitter.com/F0FF7q74dQ— Constitution 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@Gitmo99) October 6, 2022
Look see pic.twitter.com/HJ9VMXuWcE— donna fine (@donnafi76680174) October 5, 2022
Fox’s Family Guy couldn’t resist taking another shot at Trump supporters in its latest episode, portraying MAGA country Republicans as the menacing creatures from Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 classic The Birds.