President Joe Biden’s administration is considering a plan that would give border crossers, who were subjected to former President Donald Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy, about $450,000 each in a reparations-style pay
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Marlon C. Bruce
Win America PAC
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At yesterday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) confronted AG Merrick Garland about a controversial memo on school board safety. Senator Hawley: Do you think that a parent who looks at the 13 different federal crimes that...
The governor of Texas on Monday signed a law that bars student athletes from playing on sports teams that do not match the sex listed on their birth certificate.
uthors say.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HILLARY! ; Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 26, 2021 Today is Hillary Clinton’s birthday as Senior Editor of @HumanEvents and former Navy intel officer, Jack Posobiec reminded is in a re-tweet early this morning. This fact...
Child survivors of the Holocaust who were photographed huddled together at Auschwitz reunited 70 years after the death camp was liberated.Four of the survivors point themselves out in the photograph taken by Russian soldiers. pic.twitter...
Reports that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) partially funded an experiment of insects eating beagle puppies alive has sparked bipartisan outrage on Capitol Hill.