The Tragic Way We’re Withdrawing From Afghanistan

The Tragic Way We’re Withdrawing From Afghanistan

Dan Bongino opened his Fox News program last night with his take (sadness, despair and anger) on the tactics our withdrawal from Afghanistan. Watch:

“Folks, this is obviously a tragic situation, but you owed my position on it; I agree with President Trump and President Biden, who both shared the same vision that our mission in Afghanistan is coming to an end. It has to come to an end. The Afghan people have to take responsibility for their own country. I fully agree with their position on that, but this hasty departure with no concern for forced protection or our forces or our people are being left behind is insane.

“We have soldiers still out there. We have soldiers out there now watching this program tonight, who lost loved ones, and lost pieces of themselves, and friends over this overseas. These people aren’t statistics, they’re not numbers, they’re not some line in a spreadsheet. These are real flesh and blood people. These are our people, these are our heroes, did our mission wrapped themselves in our flag overseas. They’re owed better than this. I want you to listen to this. It’s not going to be easy, but I think you need to hear it.

“This is an email from a very close friend of mine I’ve known for a long time. He served several tours of duty in Afghanistan, and it speaks to the damage some of these soldiers, these heroes overseas bring back with them. Some of it isn’t all physical. He said this. He wrote to me. ‘A lot of people don’t understand what it’s like coming home from combat after doing things for your Country…’”