Rep. Cammack SLAMS FBI, DOJ As Whistleblowers Testify To Retaliation By Federal Agencies

Rep. Cammack SLAMS FBI, DOJ As Whistleblowers Testify To Retaliation By Federal Agencies

Here’s a partial transcript of Representative Cammack at the hearing:

…as we predicted our Democrat colleagues have immediately opened up with claims of conspiracy theories, MAGA extremism, mock outrage. seems the only ones displaying mock outrage up here today are in fact the Democrats, because according to them,  

journalists who appear before us, aren’t journalists, and you here today are not whistleblowers. But we in fact know that you are, but uh interesting times.

The line about Republicans defunding police, that one seems to be particularly special. Because respectfully to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle as the wife of a SWAT medic, as the wife of a first responder currently who has served our community for the last 16 years, I can tell you with certainty that no one no one hates a bad cop more than a good cop, no one. And I see from you nodding your head that you agree with that sentiment. It is inaccurate and wrong to make that assumption that Republicans want to defund police. It is false, because forcing a political agenda down the throats of our hard-working men and women of the FBI with the threat and that subsequent follow-through of retaliation because they are whistleblowers, because they didn’t want to break the law, because they knew that it was wrong to target Americans without cause, and they swore an oath to the United States Constitution. not to a political party. That makes them whistleblowers, that makes them courageous for coming forward and telling the truth…

Video clip courtesy Rep. Kat Cammack