by Pete Ketcham
It may seem from the title that this short article will be dealing with a dramatic social issue impacting our nation, but it is about a diesel fuel shortage that is impacting our nation, and without diesel our nation can not stay alive and vital.
Almost everything we buy, use, or eat, which even includes the gas we buy for our car or pickup, is delivered to us by a diesel powered cross country truck.
Much of the food we consume has been produced by the operation of diesel powered tractors, combines, and other food producing equipment, including haying operations in the production of beef. Read the rest at redoubtnews.com.
Beijing Biden and Kamala Ho are doing a great job of carrying out Ocommie’s Destroy America First agenda. The CO2/Climate Change fraud is nothing more than the New World Order’s attempt to have us give up our rights and freedoms to scumbag self-appointed “elites” like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Billy Gates, Zuckerturd, Al Gore and the rest of those phony-baloney smackoffs. Read Marc Morano’s ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’ (C. 2018) to understand what’s REALLY HAPPENING with the CO2 scam.