“The car is a direct threat to the Democrat war against individualism, so the left is coming for your car.”

by John Nolte.
Democrat-run New York City is preparing to hit residents and visitors with a “congestion charge” of up to $23 per trip if they enter Lower Manhattan.
Naturally, the Biden administration is all for this:
President Joe Biden’s administration is set to allow New York City to move forward with a landmark program that will toll vehicles entering Lower Manhattan, after a public review period ends Monday.
In practice it works like any other toll, but because it specifically charges people to drive in the traffic-choked area below 60th street in Manhattan, it would be the first program of its kind in the United States.
The plan had been delayed for years, but it cleared a milestone last month when the Federal Highway Administration signed off on the release of an environmental assessment. The public has until Monday to review the report, and the federal government is widely expected to approve it shortly after.
By next spring, depending on what you are driving and how much traffic there is, New York’s Central Business District Tolling Program will hit you with a toll ranging from $9 to $23 for the pleasure of driving in the city. That’s each time. So if you forget something and have to run back home…. If you enjoy going home for lunch… If you have to pick your kids up from school at different times… Can you imagine? Read the rest at breitbart.com.
Great idea. Since most of those people entering lower Manhattan are lefties who voted for their DemocRat-Communist Party, let them pay $10,000 per day to enter their sacred lefty land. I have been to NYC twice in my life. That was two times too many. Screw those commie goofs.
It looks like what goes around comes around. Ya think????????