Saturday, January 7th, 2023:

When President Joe Biden makes his first visit to the border with Mexico on Sunday, he will hear from aid workers helping manage the immigration crisis and from local officials desperate for more support.
What he won’t see are the miserable makeshift camps dotted around El Paso that triggered headlines last month about migrants taking over the streets.
On Tuesday and Wednesday law enforcement teams moved through the downtown area, picking up migrants who had entered the country illegally.
As a result, he may get a view of the border but not of the crisis, say infuriated border agents who wanted him to see the scale of the chaos last month. Read the rest at
Can’t allow Potato Head to actually see the problems he has created for the American people. We’re only here to provide the tax dollars for the government pigs so THEY can destroy our country. Of course, all of the pigs will retire with fat government retirement checks, annual COLA increases that cover the inflation that THEY created and nearly-free health care to protect their fat asses from any adverse health situation. Could it be time to lock and load????? Or do you think Kevin McRINO will save America?????