California Generated 95% of its Total Power From Entirely Renewable Sources… for Four Seconds

California Generated 95% of its Total Power From Entirely Renewable Sources… for Four Seconds

Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight, On April 24th of last year, and you may have missed this, the state of California finally achieved what the Green movement has dreamt about for decades. It happened. The State Energy Authority in California was able to generate 95 percent of its total power from entirely renewable sources. They said it couldn’t be done, we said it couldn’t be done, but just months into the Joe Biden administration, California did it. Quote: “It sends chills down my spine.” announced Elliott Mainzer, who runs California’s biggest power grid. “It’s amazing we’re making a real dent in the state’s carbon emissions.” April 24th 2021

Ladies and gentlemen, remember that date, it’s a moment that will live alongside Thomas Edison’s

invention of the incandescent light bulb. Alongside Neil Armstrong’s stroll on the surface of the moon, it is a day we saw a glimpse of humanity’s future.

That’s what the news accounts told us, but actually there were some caveats to. this achievement. For starters, April is not the time to test the power grid. It’s the most temperate month of the year, when electricity use is at its lowest. Nor was the grid in question. Statewide it didn’t for example supply power to Los Angeles, which is by far the biggest city in California. And now that we’re being honest, it wasn’t entirely renewable as the LA Times conceded in a far lower paragraph despite its press release about renewables. the state of California was actually also burning a bunch of natural gas. Now according to scientists, natural gas qualifies as a fossil fuel and it’s not technically renewable. And then there was this amazing but thoroughly downplayed fact the green energy miracle that sent chills down the spines of California power executives, the event they described as quote amazing, lasted for a total of, can you guess four seconds. Not days or hours: “seconds.”

1 comment
  • Global cooling/warming/climate change is 100% BULLSHIT!!! Read Marc Morano’s book, ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’ (C. 2018) or any of the other books out there that expose that croc. Of course, you won’t find those books in your local library due to the fact that it is most likely run by a cadre of lefty bureaucrats who are well-indoctrinated in the global cooling/warming/climate change myth. Yes, even though YOUR TAX DOLLARS pay for that library and the salaries of those lefty morons who run them.