This is TWISTED!

by Neil Monro: Indebted U.S. college graduates would help the war against Russia by sharing their careers with imported Russian graduates, according to a funding request sent to Congress by President Joe Biden.
The funding request “would amend section 203(b)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the requirement that Russian STEM professionals have an employer sponsor in the United States before applying for an employment-based [green card] visa,” says the April 28 the funding request.
The bill would “attract and retain Russian STEM talent and undercut Russia’s innovative potential, benefitting U.S. national security,” the document says.
The message to U.S. professionals is that “Uncle Sam wants YOU to suffer wage depression … to ensure that a larger portion of Ukraine is under the government of Kyiv but not Moscow,” responded Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies. Read the rest at
Biden represents nothing more than Ocommie’s Destroy America First policies. Except, now those sicko policies are on steroids.