So if you're a regular viewer of my show you know liberals love to constantly move the goal post; it's their thing. But one of the ways they do that is by weaponizing language. Here's a few plays from the liberal playbook on this. Let's go play one...
Who Would Call Psaki in the Morning?
Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer on Sunday revealed how the Biden family have profited from business with individuals “linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.”
Today, President Biden met with his national security team to discuss continued Russian aggressive actions toward Ukraine. He affirmed that if Russia further invades Ukraine, the United States will impose swift and severe consequences on Russia with...
"Biden Has Made Dr. Fauci KING and Supreme Ruler" --- President Donald Trump
The website only accepts the first order from an apartment building address - All subsequent orders are rejected. C'mon man! Please tell me there was SOMEONE among the collective currently running our country who could have put two brain cells...