platform will be a place where free speech can thrive, not a tool for narrative enforcement,” DeSantis said of the news.
Hilarious. — Brit Hume (@brithume) April 26, 2022
Retire the fossil FOOLS, make energy affordable again! Take Action–>
Hat tip: Brigitte Gabriel @ACTBrigitte
It’s always fun when progressive jerks try to leverage their bizarre perceptions of our beliefs to get us to do what they want. It can be some smug Twitter blue check informing us that “Actually Jesus was a socialist who would want us to cancel...
The devastation done to the Woke Gestapo at Disney, Netflix, Twitter, and CNN is glorious a
Mandy is absolutely triggered by Twitter’s possible takeover by Elon Musk. She attends a Twitter-sponsored therapy session to help her cope. Watch this short video clip* where Mandy tells her Twitter supervisor of her plight. Below is the full...
On Friday’s edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker and his guest, Florida Governor Rob DeSantis discuss the New law that eliminates the special tax privileges that have been granted to Disney over fifty years ago.