Media This Week Trying to Change the Definition of the Word "Recession"
Those who think biological sex is an arbitrary social construct should “try milking bulls,” Charles Hurt, Fox News contributor, Washington Times opinion editor, and Breitbart News columnist, said on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News...
Just one day after officials promoted the passage of the Connecticut Clean Air Act, CTtransit, the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s bus service, has pulled its entire fleet of electric buses due to one bursting into flames. The electric...
Fox News host Tucker Carlson weighs in on Democratic leaders giving illegal immigrants everything they ask for and the ir
The Association of American Medical Colleges released new standards for teaching medicine that require students to achieve “competencies” in “white privilege,” “anti-colonialism,” and “race as a social construct,” among other race-essentialist ideas.
Texas wind turbine turbine catches fire after lightning strike. by Adam Sabes A Texas wind turbine caught on fire after reportedly being struck by lightning, according to a man who began recorded video of th incident. Brent Havins told Fox News...
“First, do no harm” is the basic rule of the Hippocratic Oath, the age-old physicians’ ethics covenant. The same applies to our public policies, especially those aimed at helping the most vulnerable through our social-safety net.