Just out of Interest, I went back and read Biden's inaugural address again and I noticed something amazing. No not the endless disingenuous promises about Unity that he started breaking within minutes, but the fact that he barely even talks about...
Synonyms of RECESSION:
expansion, growth, boom, riches, affluence, wealth, jackpot,
plenty, abundance, success.
When presidents and prime ministers make and enforce their own laws under the pretext of "emergency powers," then citizens should not be surprised when their leaders discover an endless supply of "emergencies" requiring urgent action.
'Jesse Watters Primetime' host argues how President Biden is compromised and is selling America out in Thursday's opening monologue...'
This is the most important school board election in recent memory. It will determine the quality of education our children will receive. Four of the five seats are open, and in each district the candidates have extremely different views.
Tucker Discusses high gas prices and the left’s bullying Americans in and effort to transition us off fossil fuels with Congressman Robert Massie (R- West Kentucky). Massie: “I’m a Political Science denier.
"The country is now in a recession, and stagflation is sure to follow. President Biden will Big Oil and Big Meat for shortages, not his business-stifling polices. While the White House will say that we’re not in a recession, what we are in is...
An edit war broke out on Wikipedia this week over the definition of “recession,” as the Biden administration and the corporate media take the unprecedented step of denying the U.S. is in recession even after two consecutive quarters of negative...