A majority of Americans say President Joe Biden is allowing a southern border invasion, according to a poll commissioned by the left-of-center, taxpayer-supported National Public Radio (NPR)
by Steve Kelley
Here's a thought exercise – would Liz Cheney have gotten more or fewer votes than she did if she had announced, right before the election, "I have monkeypox?" Considering that the pus plague is polling better than she did in the Wyoming primary the...
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pic.twitter.com/qLOV7QMCTY— Memes That Bind Us (@MemesBind) August 16, 2022
Wyoming: Freedom=1, RINO=0
Video credit: BlackConservative24
It's not only an abomination in and of itself, but it's more evidence that illustrates the tyranny that is spreading we're in a battle right now in this country between liberty and tyranny. That's the distinction. It's not even a party distinction...
There is a word for this sort of talk: gibberish. ; Brit Hume (@brithume) August 14, 2022