Afghanistan Withdrawal Gold Star Mother Snubs Chuck Schumer at Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

Afghanistan Withdrawal Gold Star Mother Snubs Chuck Schumer at Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

by Kristina Wong

Kelly Barnett, the mother of Marine Staff Sergeant Darin Taylor Hoover — who was killed in Afghanistan during the Biden-Harris administration’s bungled withdrawal in August 2021 — snubbed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) during a congressional ceremony on Tuesday.

During a ceremony at the Capitol Rotunda, Congress bestowed the Congressional Gold Medal to the 13 American service members who were killed on August 26, 2021, at the Abbey Gate of the Kabul International Airport, where the Biden administration had staged the final withdrawal.

As family members were presented with the medal, they greeted Congressional leaders and members who spoke at the ceremony.

After Barnett was presented with the medal, she greeted the members of Congress, notably skipping past Schumer who had extended his hand.

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