by Cullen Linebarger
Jim Trusty puts George Stephanopoulos in his place🔥👇🏻
— LionHearted (@LionHearted76) June 9, 2023
“No person is BELOW the law…You have investigations in Delaware that are a thousand times more serious by a President who has authorized his DOJ to try to sink the candidacy of his prime opposition while Biden has unsecured…
Far-left ABC “News” anchor George Stephanopoulos’ attempt to corner Trump attorney Jim Trusty during their interview Friday went horribly wrong and the host went into meltdown mode as reported by the Daily Caller.
As Gateway Pundit readers know, Stephanopoulos is a former Democrat advisor who once served as Bill Clinton’s communications director before entering the media. He has carried water for his favored party since.
Stephanopoulos started his inquisition by trying to get Trusty to agree that Trump committed crimes. Trusty did not fall for the host’s trap, though, and completely turned the tables on him by pointing the actual serious crimes committed by Joe Biden.
Stephanopoulos lost his temper after getting hit with truth bombs. Trusty then finished him off in epic style. Read the rest at
Little Georgey Step-on-all-of-us can Kiss My Ass. Oh, wait a
minute, he’s not tall enough. Bah-doom-bah!!! Now, take my