OPINION: By Stephen Kruiser
Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Truckmuffin Lane just hasn’t been the same since Mrs. Hooper stopped knitting Arbor Day sweaters for the cheese shop customers.
Before we dive in, a quick reminder that it’s your last chance to get hit me up at morningbriefing@pjmedia.com for a shot at Friday’s Mailbag of Magnificence.
President Wrecking Ball is at it again.
Fatalism doesn’t really look good on me but I swear that the commies who run Joe Biden’s brain are beginning to convince me that they might just be able to destroy this great Republic before Christmas this year.
Biden and his squad of professional constitutional assassins delivered the Big Pander yesterday, promising to magically “POOF!” $300 billion in student loan debt into the ether. Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media positively erupted with euphemisms in an attempt to describe the move as anything but what it is: the screwing of one class of people to buy a few votes from another.
Words like “cancel” and “forgive” were thrown around like beads at Mardi Gras to sugarcoat another hemorrhaging of money that this country doesn’t have. Here was my personal favorite:
In case you're wondering how mainstream media bias subtly works, note the unflinching use of the word "erase" here. https://t.co/KUymY0BnH1
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) August 25, 2022
“Erase,” you say! It’s just gone now, no worries, move along, nothing to see here. Read the rest at pjmedia.com.