Joe Biden Gets the Cold Shoulder at Obama’s Return to the White House

Joe Biden Gets the Cold Shoulder at Obama’s Return to the White House

Former president Barack Obama returned to the White House on Tuesday to give the Affordable Care Act a boost, but by the looks of the crowd at the reception, one might wonder who the current president might be.

1 comment
  • Ocommie and Kamala Ho be black and dey be proud. And Beijing Biden be senile. Once again, TRUMP DID NOT LOSE THE 2020 ELECTION. The DemocRAT-Communist Party, the Deep State and the never-Trump RINOs colluded to steal that election. I’m sure they’re ramping up right now to steal as much of the 2022 midterms as they possibly can. The only way that voting fraud stops is when Voter Fraud = Prison Time becomes a reality.