Mark Levin: Every Day, the Federal Government Gets More Powerful

Mark Levin: Every Day, the Federal Government Gets More Powerful

In his powerful opening monologue on last night’s edition of Life, Liberty and Levin, Mark called out the Democrats’ disdain for our Constitution and our almost daily loss of Liberty Watch:

“We keep hearing from Joe Biden that the choice is between democracy and autocracy, and of course he claims to be on the side of democracy, and all the rest of us are on the side of autocracy. Uh and that’s been regurgitated in his media, and it’s been regurgitated by his party, and anybody else who supports that ideology. First of all, if Joe Biden knew anything about American history, the framers rejected democracy. They embraced republicanism, they embraced representative government, they embraced constitutionalism, checks and balances, separation of powers.

“It’s right there in the Constitution. It’s right there in the Federalist Papers. It’s right there in Madison’s notes, but I don’t expect Joe Biden, who served in the Senate 36 years and took an oath to uphold this document, served as Vice President for eight years, and now is the putative President of the United States, to comprehend any of this. And the reason is simple ladies and gentlemen: You cannot be a Progressive or as I call, American Marxists and support the Constitution. and that’s why they’ve spent 120 years scheming to get around it…”


“Now ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats don’t believe in Federalism, the Democrats believe in the Federal government, the Iron Fist of the central government, that’s why they hate the Dobbs decision. That’s a Federalism decision where the states make up their minds and so forth and so on. They hate that, unless of course, they can use it to their advantage, like in California and elsewhere, but otherwise they want to centralize government.

“One hundred and twenty years ago, the so-called Progressive Movement was born out of Marxism. And one of the men that led the effort intellectually and politically, was Woodrow Wilson. He hated the Constitution. He particularly talked about the Constitution as a single organism, or organic whole. So the states know the Declaration of Independence about your rights, unalienable rights, about the nature of law and the law of Nature and so forth. No he said, that’s just old thinking the document needs to keep changing.

“Uh FDR felt exactly the same way and bulldozed through the Constitution. Obama and Biden think exactly the same way. They had contempt for the Constitution, because it places limits on their ideology and their power. Uh the Democrats in Congress feel exactly the same way.

“So for any leading Democrat to say the choice is between democracy and autocracy. No the choice is between Liberty and tyranny, republicanism and centralism. We stand on the side of Liberty. They stand on the side of tyranny, and they do it every day. Every day Congress meets, every day Biden is in office we lose a little bit more of our individualism and our freedom, and the federal government gets more and more powerful…”

1 comment
  • Beijing Joe, Kamala Ho, Mitch “Obama’s Bitch”, “Useless” McCarthy and the rest of the members of the DemocRAT-Communist Party ALL have to go. Until vote fraudsters are imprisoned for life we will be forced to contend with a government that DOES…NOT…WORK.